Our Resources


Refuge is offering GriefShare, a support group that is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in your grief journey and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way through the group.

If you wish to see more about the group including dates and times, click HERE!

Bible Reading Plan

Refuge is following the "Bible In A Year" Reading Plan for 2024. This plan was created so that you can read the whole Bible in one year! Our prayer is that as you spend time in the Word of God, you will see that He is with you in every moment of every day, and as you set aside time daily to read His Word, you will become more Christ-like and will be more encouraged in your walk.

If you wish to follow this reading plan click HERE, or scan the QR code to the left!

RightNow Media

RightNow Media believes that the mission of the local church matters. RightNow Media is rooted in Jesus’s promise that God will use his people to change the world. The platform is designed to serve the local church by providing Christians across the globe with video resources that will inspire them to champion the mission Jesus gave to his people—making disciples of all nations. RightNow Media wants to see disciples of Jesus loving God and loving others. They do this through their offering of the world’s largest customizable library of Biblical video resources for every person in the local church. RightNow Media exists to equip and inspire the local church beyond just Sunday attendance.

If you wish to subscribe to RightNow Media, click HERE, and we will get you hooked up!

The Refuge Project

At Refuge Community Church, we continue to be amazed at God’s provision for His people! Through God’s grace, we have made a tremendous impact locally with very few resources – yet God has consistently provided. We believe one of the keys to our success is allowing God to provide and not trying to “make things happen” on our own. One of our core philosophies at Refuge is “Stay out of God’s way!” We joyfully give God all the glory and simply try to be good stewards of what God provides. 

Our goal is to continue providing for the needs in the neighborhood of Old Brooklyn for the express purpose of sharing and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. God revealed and then strategically located Refuge to live out the Great Commission for His glory! Realistically, it is unlikely that Refuge Church will ever be fully self-supporting. Therefore, we ask that you prayerfully consider if you would like to bless this ministry by offering your support. We step out in faith as we trust the Holy Spirit will guide you to the right decision. Do you want to know how you can be a partner in this ministry?

Download the one-page fact sheet HERE and the eight-page brochure HERE!

Do you want the latest issue of the newsletter? Click HERE!

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Spiritual Gifts Assessment

God has given each believer a spiritual gift that He wants us to use for His glory, but we often don’t use it. We may deny that we actually have a spiritual gift or if we do acknowledge it, we may doubt its usefulness to glorify God, and then just bury it. But we must realize that God wants us to be involved with His work. He is so gracious that by His Holy Spirit He freely distributes gifts to all who are saved. He not only wants us to know our spiritual gifts, but He expects us to grow in them each day. Find out what your spiritual gifts are and how to use them for God's Kingdom.

Take the Spiritual Gifts Assessment HERE!

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